Wednesday, June 24, 2015


This has been one more crazy season for strawberries and now it is looking like this weekend is going to affect other berry growers, too.  It is not "normal" for it to be 100 degrees three straight days in a row and it has a lot of growers scratching their heads as to what that is going to mean for them.  Blueberries, blackberries and other cane fruit are not generally affected by the heat so much, but if the variety planted is not one adapted for those kinds of sustained high temps, the outcome is unpredictable.  I really don't forsee that the same thing will happen that happened to strawberries, but it bears some consideration.

Our summer crops are starting to come in now and most of those things thrive in the heat. That is good for all of us!

Stop by the farm store and say hi!

~Suzanne and the Crew

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