Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tomato Sale Continues


Buy 2 pounds of any of our farm grown organic TOMATOES and get 1 pound  FREE!!!

* *Cherry Tomatoes     *Slicing Tomatoes *Heirloom Tomatoes ** 
We harvest every day so selection may change daily. 
Other items will be on sale in the store, also.
Come to the Farm  and check it out!

Open Daily 10-6
 Dinihanian's Farm Market is located at  
15005 NW Cornell Road, Beaverton, Oregon  97006

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Just updated our Pinterest SQUASH case you are running out of ideas...

(PS the word SQUASH is a link to the page...)

Thursday, July 16, 2015


First corn for the season came in this week. BiColor from one of our partner farms out on Sauvie Island.

Also, we got blueberries in this week directly from the grower.  I am traveling on the East Coast this week, so I don't know the exact variety but I hear they are beautiful.

Come to the FARM!!!  Open daily 10-6   EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!


Friday, July 10, 2015


Thinking about canning or freezing green beans or making pickles?  Dilly beans in your future? Just feel like cooking since the weather is cooling off?


GREEN BEANS ARE $2.50/LB  FOR 5 LBS OR MORE.  THAT IS HALF OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE!  (that is cheaper than the sale flyer price I saw at the super market the other day...)

Also, we have pickling cukes for $2.00/lb

Certified organic, of course, grown here on our farm!    

Open Daily 10-6

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

We have squash blossoms for sale!  If you would like some, please call or email or PM me here to pre-order so we can pick them for you. We don't pick and store them, so this is how we do it.  Blossoms are $.50 each.  503-432-6253 or email or PM here.
I recently overheard a conversation between two shoppers at a local supermarket, remarking on how expensive the organic items were compared to others. They then conjectured that the reasons for the higher prices was all hype, implying that there was no real reason for organic items to cost more. It was all I could do to hold my peace and not explain to them that while that might be true for large scale organics it certainly was not/is not true for small scale farms like this one.

Local and organic is the best of all worlds, when it comes to food. Buying locally saves fossil fuels, reduces carbon emissions, encourages and strengthens the local economy. Buying local food gives jobs and stability to an enterprise that would likely not survive without your support. Paying a little bit more for what we do here is a small price to pay for what you get in return.

My crew is here at 5am, working in the field, sweating in the heat, bending over all day long to weed, water, plant or harvest.  We don't have big pieces of equipment that we can just run up and down the rows to pick things.  Each and every thing that is picked from our field is touched by one of those guys, which is why the quality is high.  They visually inspect what they pick so things are picked with a kind of precision that a mechanical picker would miss.  Blemishes are inevitable, that is how things grow in the field. Nothing is perfect but we can choose the best of what there is, at its peak, which is something you won't find on large production farms, organic or not.

Because our field is just a couple hundred yards from the store, we simply walk across the parking lot to fill our bins with fresh food.  The fact that sometimes what you get in our store has been picked for less that a few hours means that the nutritional value is still very high (nutritional values can wane as produce ages).  Our farm store is stocked with items from other farms, yes, but only for items that we cannot or do not produce ourselves and only to meet customer demand. Because we are so conscious of the value of local food, we try to support other farms/producers in our region so that the impact of long distance movement of food products is minimal.

We donate our excess to local food pantries and organizations that feed the food insecure.  We are your neighbors and your friends.  You can come to this farm and ask us anything and we will answer you to the best of our ability.   You can't do that to the person who is producing food in California, Mexico, Canada, etc.  Sometimes food store chains will advertise that they have local food but that is meaningless without a definition. Because people are more aware these days of the idea of local food, many of these chains spin their advertising to make it their products more appealing to that idea. Some food store chains consider anything within a 750-1000 mile radius as "local".  Not my definition by a long shot.

So our produce prices may be a little higher than what is in the supermarket. We worked hard for it. We earned it.

Where are all the tomatoes?

Thought I would share something with everyone today.
These record high temps are affecting everything from brown lawns to tomatoes.  I come from back East where this kind of heat is normal for the summer, so I am well aware of how it affect tomatoes. Since many people in the PNW plant varieties that are adapted to this climate (in NC we plant Early Girls and Oregon Springs, too but we plant them in early April and they are done by July...), so it may be a mystery as to why many people are not getting many  tomatoes yet. Here is a good explanation as to why.

"Even if you have set up conditions to be perfect and you might still be faced with tomato plants not setting fruit. Here’s why: high temperatures.
When temperatures rise above 85 to 90 degrees F (depending on humidity) during the day and 75 degrees F at night, pollen will become unviable. Humidity can also come into play. In the extreme humid regions of the U.S., pollen may become so sticky that it does not fall. On the other end of the spectrum, in the arid regions, pollen may become so dry that it does not stick to the female part of the flower. Many gardeners try to gently shake the plant to encourage pollination, but a lot of times it is just not going to work.

If you’re faced with tomato plants not setting fruit, the best thing to do is to keep the plants healthy. The plants will start to produce again when the weather becomes favorable. Note, though, that heirloom tomatoes can be even fussier about temperatures than most hybrid tomatoes, and in some areas will wait until late summer or early fall to start setting fruit.

There are tomato varieties that will set more fruit than most in the heat (although extreme heat will inhibit most all of these plants from setting fruit)."

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fourth of July Weekend

Blueberries by the pound this weekend. Corn, potatoes, a few tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, plums, cherries, green beans, squash (of course). Blue Raven pies, Sourdough bread, cookies, jams, pepper jellies, kombucha, organic super juices, tonics and other teas. Fresh dill and garlic to go with the pickling cucumbers (need to order those ahead). 
Grass fed beef, cheeses, chorizo, eggs and two kinds of honey (mint/wildflower and clover wildflower). 
Remember everything is in the cooler store now so if you drive up and don't see anything outside, it is all inside our of the heat!