Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday January 30th, 2015

Amazing, gorgeous, beautiful day!  So lucky to have this job!  Spent much of the morning in the high tunnel picking greens for customers.  4 kinds of Kale, Tatsoi, Mixed Greens (mustards, kales, arugula, among others), Lettuces left here today with happy, smiling, "soon to be tasting the goodness" folks.  We also have radishes and turnips with greens ready.  This is the time of year to get these greens at their peak.  "Cole" crops love the cooler temps and are never sweeter or more tender than they are now. We pick at "baby" size for as long as possible....they do grow, after all and will eventually get to mature they can be used in salads as wells a braising mixes, etc.

Call ahead Mon-Thursday and order up your goodies and they will be picked and waiting here for you on Friday.  Someone is here at the office 10-3 WED - FRI this time of year, so come on out to the farm!


Ragged Jack Kale (a/k/a Red Russian)

Bau Sin

Kale, Yeah!

Farm Store is located in the office building at this time of year

Thursday, January 29, 2015

New and Improved Blog for 2014

As it says in the description of this blog, it is an updating of the blog kept for our CSA members. There is so much good stuff to share, I decided to make it accessible to everyone.  Right now, a lot of the posts are from last year so some things may not seem relevant now.  As we progress, that will change.  The recipes are listed on the left side bar by the title of the recipe. Some of the recipes are in "collections" meaning that there are more than one recipe on a single entry.

There are loads of links to other good foodie stuff, too. There are links within the posts and the tabs at the top of the page and even a Fun Foodie Info list that will take you to other informative stuff.  I post lots of pictures, too.

Remember, you are what you eat, so eat happy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Crew, Prepping for CSA (2014)

Beautiful Mixed Beets being washed and bunched

Closer view of those beets

Veggies bagged to be packed into share boxes

Fall Fennel bundles

Tomatillos and salad tomatoes

Bunched turnips

Bins of veggies waiting to be packed

Gorgeous peppers (those bins hold about 60 lbs of peppers)

Bunched carrots

More beets

Winter Squash

Shunkyo and Zlata Radishes

Green topped daikons

Dawn, washing veggies

Shunkyo is a beautiful sweet spicy radish

Zlata is a yellow radish.

Getting ready to pack

Bins full of veggies for CSA

The Crew

The last thing you see as  you leave the farm....

You say tomato, I say tomato, tomato, tomato....

Here are some pictures of come of the tomatoes we grew in 2014.